Monday, April 20, 2009
All that really Matters?
What matters is knowing that things do matter. It's easy to go through life without a care or a thought for what we leave behind: our easy words, quick decsions, the cancelled coffee with a friend, the radio your mother asked you to get fixed & you still haven't...Stuff like that matters, but if you don't know it matters...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Thank You
2nd choice answer as my first choice went came in first! "Thank you" :-)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
When I was a Child...
At first I was stumped, maybe because I can't think of a time when I haven't loved reading, from the Mills and Boon my Mum used to read - my father soon stopped that! :-) to the Famous Five.
But then I remembered my Malory Towers books by Enid Blyton, I SOOOOOO wanted to be at a boarding school, it sounded like such fun. - I had an amazing flash back of this when in Indonesia last Septempber, I saw some Enid Blyton books. I was immediatley transported to that girl of 10 or something like it, who was snuggled up reading in bed with a cup of tea and probably digestive biscuits, to the light of my bedside lamp.
- This totally took more than a minute, but I just enjoyed writing about it so much, wanted it all in. Thanks for this prompt!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Could I be a History Maker?
The time of the civil rights movement, I have always wondered if I could face what people faced then, would I stand tall? would I be willing to sit on that bus?... I think I might crumble, yet hope I wouldn't fall. So I'd like to see and be a part of that history, as it is my history, even though I wasn't born in the states,
- January 12, 2009 10:53 AM
Friday, January 9, 2009
Health, Adventure, Peace, People, Integrity,New beginnings,Enjoyment,Safety, Someone to share it with...(timer went off here!) Money buy that? Ummm it can help, but is not the essential ingredient which grew or will sustain it.
- January 9, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I reckon it would have to be smell,I've never been into perfume, it would help avoid those nasty whiffs we sometimes encounter, and I can always use my imagination as I gobble down glorious food! I never wanna lose me taste buds!
January 7, 2009
Today is...
Today is going on too long. I made a pact with a friend that in the new year we would hold each other accountable for going to bed at a decent hour and here I am still up at 30mins past midnight!
As for the earlier part of the day it was cold, oh so cold, but I tried not to complain as there are many worse off. I did however feel justified in breaking my no complain rule as WHY should I have to sit in an office with my coat on!
It was bright today and full of the smells of food, pastries, chocolate, savoury smelling stuff. All unhelpful as I had decided to fast today! It was then home to unpacking shopping, with more delights,'ummmmmm, I can just taste those scones' I think, as they are packed away, 'and there's jam in the fridge'. My unconscious taste buds of my imagination run riot, and the smell of a toasted bagel being eaten by someone else is almost too much!
I limp off to my room, tired and hungry, and it's cold inside. I have work to do, but feel almost unable as I am just thinking about food, ooh and my head aches, maybe I'll just snuggle up on the sofa and sleep...
Today was walking to and from work and enjoying the crisp air and the sight of frost on the ground, the trees look so good in their naked stark beauty, I wish I had a camera.
Today is a dangerous thought as I look longingly at the frozen lake, I know it will probably crack at first step, and I also know I will probably be too scared to try, but the delusion continues, and may well have succeeded, but I see the sign warning no-on to go on the ice. Today is a day of escape
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
"Time waits for no man" a saying goes. - I have just been doing a bit of a search to see if I could find the origins and there's a few differeing views, but as I was about to get lost in the world of google searching I thought I'd come back and do what I intended!
Why should time wait? I often find myself saying or thinking that there isn't enough time in the day, and also agreeing with others that this is the truth, but it's not! Well let me say for me, it's not!
I know that if I took a moment to think about it, I know that seconds, minutes, and hours have passed me by un-utilised, underutilised and often just misused and abused.
Time, as inanimate as it is, is what it is. A regulated system of measuring what happens between 1 point of existence and another.
Thereby pose I a question: What will I do within those points? Live? Live life to the full? Be on the treadmill of existence? Appreciate what I have? Blog randomness which may have a point? Ride the Waves? Make the most of every opportunity? Create? Love? Laugh? Value my relationships? Read a good book? Write a novel? Write some songs? And the list goes on...
Time exists for every man, use it or lose it... How much time have you lost?
In 60secs - What can you do?
Run free,
Go wild,
Go for a walk,
Play some tunes,
Make someone happy,
Tell someone hello,
Hope things get better,
Wash your feet,
Clean your ... *The timer has just gone off!
So what do thing you could do in 60secs? Comments please
"TIme... I need to make more time for time.
No matter how much I say I don't have, even when I get more - if that's possible - I still seem to not use it well and say I need more!
So I need to respect the time I have and make more, and the most of it
(Wow, my last words was written on exaxtly 60secs!)"
Monday, January 5, 2009
Ummm, Waiting
What am I waiting for? I REALLY DON'T KNOW! I wish I did, I need to make some moves in my life, I know what they are, or at least some of them, but still don't move. WHY IS THAT?! I wish I could just MOVE!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Resolved to find out who that is and give her a head start,
Resolved to start marching forward with purpose,
Resolved to be who I was created to be.
Random spin-off from looking at the resolution response again
I think I'm getting the hang of this!
"The TimeSnatchers, they shape shift in dust particles and dead skin cells.... Ever wonder where those missing minutes went, where the hour, day or week went... Well now you know, and then you hoover it and them up when you clean! LOL
January 4, 2009 12:19 AM
And there's more!
The One Minute Writer Today's Writing Prompt: First impression
Memorable.. I mean everyone wants to be remembered by someone or for something right?
No matter how free you areor unencumbered by needing to be 'like' or validated by others, everyone would like to have left an impression, well that's what I think- January 2, 2009 8:59 AM
Return visit
"I resolve not to make a resolution to make resolutions, because I don't believe in making resolutions, so I would DEFINITLEY break that resoultion :-)
January 1, 2009 7:37 PM
Last night when my friend confessed to me,that on the day we had committed to fasting in prep for some worship we will be leading, that she, while I resisted eating pizza at a meeting where whole pizza's were being eating by 3 others, AND I had to have a pizza in front of me so THEY didn't look greedy, was eating a BIG lunch with a friend and completely forgotten the WHOLE thing EVEN though I had sent her a nice text the day BEFORE wishing her the best! LOL (took a little longer than a minute!)